
Seaside Enigma

The Seaside Enigma ( Easy Version ) Liam was a young boy who was spending his holiday in a small seaside town with his family. The town was full of happy sounds – kids laughing, seagulls calling, and waves gently hitting the shore. Liam loved every bit of it. One sunny afternoon, Liam decided to go swimming alone. He walked to a quiet part of the beach. It wasn’t too far from other people but still felt private. The ocean water was cool, and Liam swam further out, enjoying the freedom. As he floated on his back, he saw someone swimming nearby. It was a young woman with long hair that sparkled in the sun. She saw Liam and smiled, swimming closer. "Hi!" she said. "Are you enjoying the water?" "Yes, it's great," Liam answered, treading water. "My name is Liam. What's yours?" "I'm Eva," she replied. "Nice to meet you." They talked for a while. Eva seemed very friendly, and Liam felt comfortable. But Eva had a secret.

Giggles the Good Clown

Giggles the Good Clown  Once upon a time, in a small, colorful town, there lived a clown named Giggles. Giggles loved to play tricks on people and make fun of them. He thought he was being funny, so he laughed loudly at everyone he met. But the townspeople didn’t find it funny at all. They thought Giggles was annoying and started to avoid him. Whenever Giggles walked by, people would turn around and go the other way. Children stopped coming to his magic shows, and no one invited him to parties. This made Giggles feel lonely and sad. One day, as Giggles sat alone by the big oak tree, he saw a little bird that couldn’t fly. It had hurt its wing. Giggles decided to help. He gently wrapped the wing with a soft bandage and sang a sweet, silly song to the little bird. To his surprise, the bird chirped happily and smiled at Giggles with its bright eyes. Seeing the bird happy made Giggles feel warm inside. Right at that moment, he realized something important. Making others feel good was the t

A Mother and Son Discussion

A Mother and Son Discussion   Mother : Jason, I can't even walk into your room without tripping over something. Why is it so messy all the time? Jason : It's not that bad, Mom. I know where everything is. Mother : It might seem that way to you, but being organized is important. It helps you focus and be more productive. How do you keep up with your schoolwork in this chaos? Jason : I manage. I get my homework done on time, mostly. Mother : Mostly isn't good enough, son. You should have a study plan. It will help you keep track of your assignments and make sure you're never rushing at the last minute.  Jason : I guess I could try something like that. It's just hard to stick with it. Mother : I understand it's an adjustment, but let's start small. We can create a simple schedule for your study time and maybe try keeping your room tidy each day. You'll see how much easier it is once everything has its place. Jason : Alright, I'll give it a shot. Can you

Describing Your Hobbies

Talking about your hobbies   Basketball   Hi, I'm Jason, and my favorite hobby is playing basketball. I started playing when I was about 10 years old, and I really enjoy it. I usually play at the park near my house with my friends. We meet there every weekend to practice and have fun. Playing basketball helps me stay active and healthy. I love the excitement of the game and the feeling when I make a good shot. It's also a great way to make new friends and work as a team. Sometimes, we watch professional games on TV to learn new techniques. I hope to become even better at basketball in the future! Turkish   Merhaba, ben Jason ve en sevdiğim hobim basketbol oynamak. Yaklaşık 10 yaşındayken oynamaya başladım ve gerçekten çok seviyorum. Genellikle arkadaşlarımla evimin yakınındaki parkta oynuyorum. Her hafta sonu pratik yapmak ve eğlenmek için orada buluşuyoruz. Basketbol oynamak aktif ve sağlıklı kalmama yardımcı oluyor. Oyunun heyecanını ve iyi bir atış yaptığımda hissettiğim duy

11th Grade Theme 1

  Theme 1 - Future Jobs Listening   Listen to Robin calling the human resources manager of the company and fill in the blanks. (Audio 1.5) Mr Taylor : Hello. Robin : May I speak to Bill Taylor, please? Mr Taylor : Speaking. Who is calling? Robin : This is Robin Wayne. I’ve applied for the (1) ......................................................... position at your company, and I got an e-mail yesterday, asking me to contact you to schedule an interview. Mr Taylor : Okay, Mr Wayne. Is it possible for you to see me (2) ..................................................? Robin : Yes, sure. Mr Taylor : Is 2 o’clock on (3) ......................................................... a good time for you? Robin : I’m terribly sorry, but I’m afraid I’ll be at the (4) ...................................................... then. I have an appointment. Can we meet at (5) ........................................................ ? Mr Taylor : Well, let me check my calendar, please… No, sorry. I’m no

Car Racer

Sara, the Car Racer Once upon a time, there was a car racer named Sara. She loved to drive fast and feel the wind in her hair. Sara had a red car that was her pride and joy . Every weekend, she would race against other drivers at the local track. Sara was determined to be the best racer in town. She practiced every day, making sure to perfect her turns and speed. Her friends cheered her on as she zoomed past them, leaving a trail of dust behind. One day, Sara entered a big race against some of the fastest drivers in the country. She was nervous but excited for the challenge. As the race began, Sara's heart raced along with her car. She focused on the road ahead, pushing herself to go faster and faster. As the finish line approached , Sara could see victory within reach. With one final burst of speed, she crossed the finish line first, with a huge smile on her face. She had won the race and proved that hard work and determination could lead to success. From that day on,

Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal Verbs Quiz Phrasal Verbs Quiz Question 1: What does the phrasal verb "give up" mean? a) To distribute b) To abandon c) To increase d) To celebrate Question 2: What does the phrasal verb "look for" mean? a) To observe b) To search c) To admire d) To watch Question 3: What does the phrasal verb "turn down" mean? a) To decrease the volume b) To accept c) To reject d) To rotate Question 4: What does the phrasal verb "dress up" mean? a) To put on fancy clothes b) To repair c) To undress d) To wake up Question 5: What does the phrasal verb "run out of" mean? a) To replenish b) To exhaust a supply c) To overuse d) To ov

The story of Prophet Yunus

The story of Prophet Yunus The story of Prophet Yunus (known as Jonah in the Judeo-Christian tradition) is a significant tale in Islamic tradition, highlighting themes of repentance, mercy, and the compassion of God. Prophet Yunus was sent by God to the people of Nineveh, a great city whose inhabitants had fallen into idol worship and sin. Despite his warnings and calls for them to repent and turn back to God, the people of Nineveh refused to listen. Frustrated by their persistent disobedience, Prophet Yunus decided to leave the city, assuming that God's punishment would inevitably come upon the people. He departed without God's command, which was a lapse in his duty as a prophet. After leaving Nineveh, Yunus boarded a ship. During the voyage, aviolent storm threatened to sink the vessel. The crew and passengers, believing that someone on board had brought misfortune, decided to cast lots to determine who it was. The lot fell on Yunus, leading them to throw him overboard to cal


A dialogue between two coworkers waiting at the bus stop: ** Anna :** Hi, Tom! Are you waiting for the bus too? ** Tom :** Hi, Anna! Yes, I am. How was your day at work? ** Anna :** It was busy. I had to finish a big report. What about you? ** Tom :** My day was good. I worked on the presentation for the meeting next week. ** Anna :** Oh, is it the presentation for the new project? ** Tom :** Yes, it is. I hope everyone will like it. ** Anna :** I’m sure they will. You’re great at presentations.  ** Tom :** Thank you, Anna. Do you have any plans for the weekend? ** Anna :** Not really. I might just relax and read a book. How about you? ** Tom :* * I’m thinking of going hiking with some friends. ** Anna :** That sounds fun! Which trail are you going to? ** Tom :** We’re planning to go to Pine Hill. It’s supposed to be nice this time of year. ** Anna :** I've heard about it. Enjoy your hike! ** Tom :** Thanks, Anna! Here comes the bus. See you on Monday! ** Anna :** See you, Tom! Hav

Class Conversation

Discussing Future Plans Listen to the conversation and answer the following questions  Mr. Thompson : Good morning, class! Today, we're going to talk about your future plans. This will help us practice our English skills and learn more about one another. Who would like to share their plans first? Sarah : I’ll go first, Mr. Thompson. I plan to become a veterinarian because I love animals and want to help them. After high school, I’m aiming to attend a university that has a strong veterinary science program. I’ve already started volunteering at a local animal shelter to gain some experience. Mr. Thompson : That’s wonderful, Sarah! Volunteering is a great way to prepare for your future career. How about you, David? David : Well, I’ve always been fascinated by technology and computers, so I want to be a software engineer. I’m planning to study computer science in college. Over the summer, I took some online coding courses, and I’ve been working on building my own website. Mr. Thompson

10. Sınıf İngilizce

  Theme 1 and 2 Listening Listening : School Life  Speaking : Classroom English  Writing : Introduce yourself  Asking questions : Are you...? Do you...? Grammar : Present Simple, Present Continuous  

Are you or Do you

Are you...? Or Do you...? Use " are you " for questions about states of being and " do you " for actions and habits 1. How often ______ go to the gym? 2. ______ interested in learning a new language? 3. What ______ usually have for breakfast? 4. ______ live near your workplace? 5. ______ a fan of science fiction movies? 6. ______ enjoy hiking on the weekends? 7. ______ traveling to any place exciting soon? 8. How much ______ usually spend on groceries each week? 9. ______ happy with your current job? 10. ______ have any pets at home? 11. What time ______ usually wake up in the morning? 12. ______ planning to study abroad next year? 13. How well ______ speak English? 14. ______ like to cook new recipes? 15. Where ______ from originally? 16. ______ excited about the upcoming holiday? 17. How many books ______ read in a month? 18. ______ want to join the book club with us? 19. What hobbies ______ have besides reading? 20. ______ find this exercise helpful for learning?

Introducing yourself

Introduce yourself to the class (A2 Level) Hello everyone, My name is Mert and I am 16 years old. I am very happy to be in this class with all of you. I hope we can have a great time together. I live in a small town with my family. I have one younger sister. Her name is Emily, and she is 10 years old. We also have a cute dog named Max. I like to play with him in the park. In my free time, I enjoy reading books and watching movies. My favorite book is "Harry Potter" because the story is magical and exciting. I also like sports, especially soccer. I play on a local team every weekend. It is a lot of fun and good exercise. My favorite subject in school is science. I find it very interesting, and I like doing experiments. I also want to learn more about computers because technology is very important today. In the future, I want to travel to different countries. I think it would be amazing to see new places and meet new people. I also hope to learn other languages. Right now, I am

My Future Plans

My Future Plans (A2) My future plans are important to me. I want to study hard and become successful. I have a few goals that I want to achieve in the future. First, I want to finish school and get good grades. Studying is important because it helps me learn new things. I enjoy subjects like math and science. If I do well in school, I can go to a good university Second, I want to go to university. I am interested in computers, so I want to study computer science. In university, I will learn more about technology and how things work. This will help me get a good job in the future. Third, I plan to find a good job after university. I want to work in a big company and help create new technology. I hope to have a job that I enjoy and that pays well. This will help me support my family and have a comfortable life. Finally, I want to travel and see the world. Visiting new places and learning about different cultures is exciting. Traveling will help me learn more about the world and meet new

Talking about jobs

Speaking; Questions and Answers  1. What job do you want to have in the future?    - I want to be a teacher because I enjoy helping others learn new things. 2. Have you ever worked a part-time job? What did you do?    - Yes, I worked in a grocery store. I helped customers find items and stocked the shelves. 3. What is a job that you think is very important? Why?    - I think doctors have very important jobs because they help people stay healthy and save lives. 4. Do you prefer working alone or with a team? Why?    - I prefer working with a team because I like sharing ideas and getting different opinions from others. 5. What skills do you think you need for your dream job?    - I think I need good communication skills, a lot of patience, and creativity to be a teacher. 6. How do you feel about doing different types of jobs?    - I think doing different types of jobs can be good because you learn new skills and meet different people. 7. What is the best job you know about? What makes it