
Helping verbs

Helping Verbs in Questions Helping Verbs in Questions Submit Quiz


Read the passage and answer the following questions  Ephesus is an ancient city in Turkey that was once a major center of trade and culture. Long ago, it was home to one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, the Temple of Artemis. People from all over the world came to Ephesus to see its beautiful buildings and bustling markets. The city has many well-preserved ruins, such as the grand Library of Celsus and a large theater that could hold thousands of people. Today, Ephesus is a popular tourist attraction where visitors can explore its rich history and impressive architecture. 1. Where is Ephesus located? 2. What was Ephesus once a major center of? 3. Which one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World was located in Ephesus? 4. Why did people from all over the world come to Ephesus long ago? 5. What are some of the well-preserved ruins you can find in Ephesus today? 6. How many people could the large theater in Ephesus hold? 7. Why is Ephesus a popular tourist attraction today? 8

Dear diary

May 31, 2024 Dear Diary, Today was such a strange day. At lunchtime, something big happened in the school cafeteria. It started off normal. I got my lunch, spaghetti and meatballs, and sat down with my friends. Everything was fine until Max came to our table. Max is one of my closest friends, but today he was in a bad mood. He sat down and started complaining about everything. He said the spaghetti was cold and the meatballs tasted funny. I told him he was being too picky, but he wouldn't stop. He even pushed his plate away and almost hit my drink. Then, Max said something really mean about my favorite band. I got so mad! I love that band and it hurt that he made fun of them. I told him he was being a jerk and that maybe he should sit somewhere else. Max got angry too and said I was overreacting. We ended up shouting at each other. Everyone in the cafeteria was staring at us. It was so embarrassing. The teacher on duty came over and told us to calm down and talk quietly. Max and I

Grammar test part 2

Part 2: Fill in the Blanks Quiz Part 2: Fill in the Blanks 11. Use the correct form of 'to be' in the past tense: They very happy after the party. 12. Complete the comparative sentence: This test is (easy) than I thought. 13. Fill in the blank with the correct preposition: I usually walk the park on my way home. 14. Correctly use 'there is' or 'there are': many students in the classroom today. 15. Use the correct form of the verb in the present continuous tense: Alex (study) for his exams right now. 16. Fill in the blank with the correct possessive pronoun: That book is (she). 17. Use the correct form of the verb 'to have' in the present perfect tense: We (see) that movie already. 18. Complete the sentence with the correct modal verb: You (finish) your homework before you go out. 19. Fill in the blank with the correct past

Grammar test

Multiple Choice Test Part 1: Multiple Choice Questions 1. Choose the correct form of the verb: Anna __________ to the store yesterday. a) goes b) went c) going 2. Complete the sentence with the correct word: I have __________ books than you. a) many b) more c) much 3. Choose the correct preposition: The cat is hiding __________ the table. a) on b) in c) under 4. Choose the correct form: We __________ seen that movie. a) has b) have c) had 5. Choose the correct adjective: This is the __________ film I have ever seen. a) most exciting b) more exciting c) excitingest 6. Complete the sentence with the correct verb form: They __________ to Paris next month. a) travel

Vocabulary test

Vocabulary Test Vocabulary Test I am going to the __________ to buy some bread. a) library b) hospital c) supermarket She has two __________ and a cat. a) dogs b) cars c) houses It is very __________ today. Don’t forget your umbrella. a) sunny b) rainy c) windy They __________ dinner at 7 PM every day. a) cooks b) cooked c) cook My brother

Mixed tense exercises

Interactive Mixed Tense Exercise Mixed Tense Exercise 1. She a letter every day. (write) 2. They a movie right now. (watch) 3. He his homework. (finish) 4. I a book when you called. (read) 5. We for you for an hour. (wait) 6. She to the market tomorrow. (go) 7. They next month. (travel) 8. He before he left. (eat) 9. I the project by next week. (complete) 10. She a class right now. (teach) 11. They on the problem for hours. (work) 12. He a marathon next Sunday. (run) 13. I French this year. (learn)


Can dreams predict the future? Can dreams give us a clue about what will happen in our lives in the future? Dreams have fascinated humans for centuries, and various cultures have attributed different meanings to them. However, from a scientific perspective, dreams are generally understood as a way for the brain to process emotions, experiences, and memories.  There isn't conclusive scientific evidence that dreams can predict the future in a literal or specific sense. Instead, dreams can sometimes reflect your subconscious thoughts, feelings, and concerns. Here are a few points to consider: 1. ** Emotional Processing **: Dreams often deal with unresolved emotions or thoughts. If you're anxious about an upcoming event, for example, you might dream about it in various forms. 2. ** Patterns and Problem-Solving **: Sometimes, dreams can help you see patterns or come up with solutions to problems because your mind is making connections that you might not have consciously noticed. 3.

Seaside Enigma

The Seaside Enigma ( Easy Version ) Liam was a young boy who was spending his holiday in a small seaside town with his family. The town was full of happy sounds – kids laughing, seagulls calling, and waves gently hitting the shore. Liam loved every bit of it. One sunny afternoon, Liam decided to go swimming alone. He walked to a quiet part of the beach. It wasn’t too far from other people but still felt private. The ocean water was cool, and Liam swam further out, enjoying the freedom. As he floated on his back, he saw someone swimming nearby. It was a young woman with long hair that sparkled in the sun. She saw Liam and smiled, swimming closer. "Hi!" she said. "Are you enjoying the water?" "Yes, it's great," Liam answered, treading water. "My name is Liam. What's yours?" "I'm Eva," she replied. "Nice to meet you." They talked for a while. Eva seemed very friendly, and Liam felt comfortable. But Eva had a secret.


WHAT IS NETIQUETTE? Netiquette  (Easy Reading ) Netiquette is a mix of two words: "network" and "etiquette." Network means anything related to computers and the internet, and etiquette means good manners. Netiquette is about being polite and kind when we talk to people online. When we talk or write online, like on social media, emails, or chats, we should follow these simple rules: 1. **Be Polite**: Be nice to others. Don't use mean or bad words. Remember, there is a real person reading your message. 2. **Think Before You Post**: Before you share something, think about it. Once you post something, it can be hard to delete it forever. 3. **Use Simple Language**: Write clearly so everyone can understand you. Don't use too many short forms or difficult words. 4. **Don't Use ALL CAPS**: Writing in all caps looks like you are shouting. Use normal letters. 5. **Keep Personal Information Private**: Don’t share your private information or someone else's with

Youth and Sports Day

The Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day The Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day: A Synopsis of Turkish Heritage and Vigorous Spirit The Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth, and Sports Day, celebrated annually on May 19th, is one of Turkey's most cherished national holidays. This special day intertwines the celebration of youth and their pivotal role in the nation's future with the remembrance of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of modern Turkey. The essence of this national holiday is deeply rooted in Turkish history and embodies the core values and rejuvenating spirit of the Turkish Republic. **Historical Significance** On May 19, 1919, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk arrived in Samsun, a momentous event that marked the beginning of the Turkish War of Independence. This day is often seen as the spark that ignited a nationalistic fervor to resist invading forces and reclaim sovereignty. Atatürk's arrival in Samsun symbolizes hope, determination, and an unyielding

Extreme sports

Extreme Sports: Pushing the Boundaries of Adventure Extreme sports, often referred to as action sports or adventure sports, are activities perceived as involving a high degree of risk. These sports often require high physical exertion, specialized gear, and a certain level of expertise. They've gained immense popularity over the years, capturing the imagination of thrill-seekers and becoming a part of mainstream culture. Here are some of the most popular extreme sports: ## 1. **Skydiving** Skydiving is the practice of jumping out of an aircraft and safely landing on the ground with the aid of a parachute. It’s not just about the free fall but the adrenaline rush and the incredible view from thousands of feet above the earth. Beginners often start with tandem skydiving, where they are strapped to an experienced instructor. ### Safety Tips: - Use certified equipment. - Train with a licensed instructor. - Conduct regular equipment checks. ## 2. **Bungee Jumping** Bungee jumping involv


Who was Confucius? Confucius was a wise teacher and philosopher who lived in ancient China around 500 BC. He believed in peace, harmony, and personal morality. His teachings focused on the importance of family, respect for elders, and living a life of virtue and righteousness. Confucius emphasized the idea of "ren," which means empathy and benevolence towards others. He also stressed the importance of education and self-improvement. His sayings and ideas were collected in a book called the Analects, which have influenced Chinese culture and thought for centuries. Confucius' teachings continue to be studied and followed by many people around the world who seek wisdom and guidance in their lives. What did he say? Confucius shared many insightful and timeless quotes that reflect his teachings on ethics, morality, and personal conduct. Here are some of his best-known quotes: 1. "It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop." 2. "Our greatest

Describing a teacher

Sample Essay: Describing a Teacher One of my favorite teachers is Mr. Thompson. He teaches us Mathematics at school, and I have learned a lot from him over the past year. Mr. Thompson is not just knowledgeable, but also incredibly patient and understanding with all of his students. Mr. Thompson is a tall man with a gentle smile that makes him very approachable. He often wears glasses, which he sometimes pushes up when explaining a difficult problem. His style of dressing is simple but neat, usually wearing a button-up shirt and trousers. What makes Mr. Thompson an outstanding teacher is his ability to explain complex concepts in a way that everyone can understand. He uses real-life examples that make the math problems easier to relate to and solve. For instance, when teaching us about fractions, he used the example of slicing a pizza to help us understand how fractions work in daily life. He is also very patient. If a student does not understand something, he does not get frustrated or