
Showing posts with the label learn English vocabulary

Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal Verbs Quiz Phrasal Verbs Quiz Question 1: What does the phrasal verb "give up" mean? a) To distribute b) To abandon c) To increase d) To celebrate Question 2: What does the phrasal verb "look for" mean? a) To observe b) To search c) To admire d) To watch Question 3: What does the phrasal verb "turn down" mean? a) To decrease the volume b) To accept c) To reject d) To rotate Question 4: What does the phrasal verb "dress up" mean? a) To put on fancy clothes b) To repair c) To undress d) To wake up Question 5: What does the phrasal verb "run out of" mean? a) To replenish b) To exhaust a supply c) To overuse d) To ov

Forest Proverbs

Some proverbs about forests 1. "The forest has ears, the field has eyes."    - This proverb means that there are always ways for information to be discovered, even if you are in a place where you think you are alone. It warns that secrets are difficult to keep because someone is usually watching or listening. 2. "The trees with strong roots laugh at storms."    - This means that people who have a solid foundation, whether in terms of personal values, skills, or support systems, can endure and remain stable during difficult times, much like a strong tree remains standing in a storm. 3. "He who does not climb the mountains and cross the torrents knows not the beauty of the forest."    - This suggests that one needs to overcome obstacles to truly appreciate the rewards. In life, facing challenges can lead to a greater appreciation of the successes and beautiful moments that follow. 4. "A single tree does not make a forest."    - This means that one

Describing pictures in English

Describing Pictures in English  The picture shows a beautiful view from a lookout point. The main attraction is a glass platform, held up by a strong frame, that sticks out from the edge of a cliff. From here, you can see an amazing view of a deep, green valley or canyon. Some people are standing on the platform, enjoying the scenery. They are safe because there are railings and glass walls that let them see the landscape clearly. In front, there is a wooden fence with a "No Trespassing" sign, showing that you cannot go past this point. The fence is right by the edge of the cliff for safety. In the background, you can see stunning mountains with many ridges stretching far away. The mountains are covered with thick forests, and the sky is clear and sunny. The whole scene shows the natural beauty and rugged landscape, making it a popular place for visitors and nature lovers. Vocabulary   Here are definitions for some important words in the description: 1. ** Stick Out **: To ex

Life lessons in English

Life lessons in English Improve your English, improve your life  Learning English effectively  Study tips to Learn English 1. Consistent Practice: Set aside dedicated time each day to practice English, whether it's reading, writing, speaking, or listening. 2. Immersive Learning: Surround yourself with English as much as possible... Read more How to make language learning relevant to your routine  Language learning can be made relevant to your life by connecting it to your interests and goals... Read more How to be healthy  Achieving and maintaining good health is a multifaceted process that involves a balance of physical, mental, and emotional wellness... Read more   How to quit smoking Quitting smoking is a significant step toward leading a healthier lifestyle. Here are some strategies that may help you in your journey to stop smoking: Read more  How to make the right decisions Making the right decisions in life is a complex process that can indeed be improved with practice and l

Keanu Reeves

Keanu Reeves Biography  Keanu Reeves is a famous actor from Canada. He was born on September 2, 1964, in Beirut, Lebanon. His father is from Hawaii, and his mother is from England. Keanu moved to Canada when he was a young child, and he grew up in Toronto. Keanu became famous for his roles in movies. His first big movie was "Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure" in 1989. Many people know him from the "Matrix" movies, where he played a character called Neo. The "Matrix" movies are about a world controlled by machines. Keanu also acted in other popular movies like "Speed," "John Wick," and "Point Break." Besides acting, Keanu loves music and played in a band called Dogstar. Keanu is known for being a kind and humble person. He helps many charities and likes to keep his life private. Fans all around the world admire him for his talent and good heart. Answer These Questions  1. Where was Keanu Reeves born? 2. Where did Keanu R

Vocabulary test

Vocabulary Test Vocabulary Test I am going to the __________ to buy some bread. a) library b) hospital c) supermarket She has two __________ and a cat. a) dogs b) cars c) houses It is very __________ today. Don’t forget your umbrella. a) sunny b) rainy c) windy They __________ dinner at 7 PM every day. a) cooks b) cooked c) cook My brother

Living in a City

  What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a big city? Living in a big city has a lot of good things. There are many jobs and chances to grow your career. Cities have lots of different kinds of people and cultures, so you can try different foods and learn about different traditions. Also, cities have good public transportation, so you don't always need a car. But living in a big city can also have some not-so-good parts. It can be really expensive, especially for housing. Cities can be busy and stressful, making it hard to relax. Also, there's often a lot of traffic and air pollution that can make it less healthy to live there. Some people might find the noisy and crowded city life too much to handle. The second answer  Living in a big city offers numerous advantages. One of the main benefits is the abundance of job opportunities and career growth. Cities often have a variety of industries and businesses, providing residents with a wide range of employment options

English vocabulary

Expression: Get the hang of something Get the hang of something means to learn how to do something. When you get the hamg of something you acquire the ability to perform a task smoothly and efficiently after some practice. Examples: 1. After practicing for a few weeks, David finally got the hang of playing the guitar. His fingers no longer fumble on the strings, and he can easily switch between chords. 2. Samantha was frustrated with her new video editing software, but after a few tutorials, she got the hang of it and started producing high-quality videos. 3. I remember when I first used chopsticks; I couldn't pick up anything! But, with patience and persistence, I eventually got the hang of it. 4. Once you get the hang of it, riding a bicycle is like second nature*—you never really forget how to do it. Second nature* If something is second nature to you, you do it easily and almost effortlessly without thinking. Using a computer is second nature to him.  Knitting is second nature

Verbs and Nouns

  Achieve - Achievement Agree - Agreement Attach - Attachment Commit - Commitment  Confine - Confinement Develop - Development Embellish - Embellishment Employ - Employment Encourage - Encouragement Enforce - Enforcement Entertain - Entertainment Enrich - Enrichment Enrol - Enrolment Establish - Establishment Excite - Excitement Govern - Government Improve - Improvement Replenish - Replenishment Retire - Retirement Act - Action Accelerate - Acceleration Celebrate - Celebration Compete - Competition Communicate - Communication Concentrate - Concentration Converse - Conversation Demonstrate - Demonstration Determine - Determination Educate - Education Examine - Examination Explore - Exploration Evaluate - Evaluation Generate - Generation Illuminate - Illumination Invent - Invention Investigate - Investigation Navigate - Navigation Medicate - Medication Motivate - Motivation Participate - Participation Prohibit - Prohibition Relate - Relation Decide - Decision  Discuss - Discussion Compre

How to be funny

Unleashing Your Inner Comedian: A Guide to Being Funny Humor is a powerful tool. It can defuse tension, connect people, and brighten even the dullest of days. Some people seem to effortlessly make others laugh, but being funny is a skill that can be honed and developed. Here are a few tips to help you become the life of the party: 1. Timing is Everything: A well-timed joke can make all the difference. Pay attention to the flow of conversation and look for opportunities to drop your punchline. Sometimes, a pause before delivering your line can make it land even better. 2. Know Your Audience: Not every joke resonates with everyone. Understand the people you're with and tailor your humor to their sensibilities. Avoid jokes that could be offensive or hurtful to others. 3. Embrace Your Quirks: Often, the most hilarious moments come from embracing our own quirks and idiosyncrasies. Don't be afraid to laugh at yourself and share those funny little stories that make you unique. 4. Stay