
Showing posts with the label Present simple

Present Simple vs Present Continuous

Fill in the blanks using the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Example : The Earth is round and goes around the sun. (be / go) Example : I am a bit nervous because I am driving through heavy traffic now. (be / drive) Part A I ___ a student. I ___ to school every day. (be / go) She ___ a nice person. She ____ helping people. (be / like) Ayşe ___ a teacher. She ___ Maths in a high school. (be / teach) Who ___ you? I ____ you. (be / not know) We ___ afraid of dogs. We _____ them. (be / not like) The English ___ very polite. They always ____ thank you, please and sorry. (be / say) Heidi ____ a little girl who ____ with her grandfather in the mountains. ((be / live) Keloğlan ___ bald. He ____ any hair. (be / have) Mustafa ____ a sociable person. He ____ out much. (not be / not go) ____ you married? ____ you ____ any children? (be / have) I ___ in love with you and I ____ you a lot. (be / miss) Those students ____ really lazy. They ____ studying. (be / hate) ____ you ____ those bird...