
Showing posts with the label Popular English idioms

English vocabulary

Expression: Get the hang of something Get the hang of something means to learn how to do something. When you get the hamg of something you acquire the ability to perform a task smoothly and efficiently after some practice. Examples: 1. After practicing for a few weeks, David finally got the hang of playing the guitar. His fingers no longer fumble on the strings, and he can easily switch between chords. 2. Samantha was frustrated with her new video editing software, but after a few tutorials, she got the hang of it and started producing high-quality videos. 3. I remember when I first used chopsticks; I couldn't pick up anything! But, with patience and persistence, I eventually got the hang of it. 4. Once you get the hang of it, riding a bicycle is like second nature*—you never really forget how to do it. Second nature* If something is second nature to you, you do it easily and almost effortlessly without thinking. Using a computer is second nature to him.  Knitting is second nature ...

Popular English Idioms

Popular English idioms: 1. Piece of cake - Something very easy to do.  Finishing this puzzle was a piece of cake. 2. Break the ice - To initiate conversation in a social setting.  I told a funny joke to break the ice at the meeting.I told a funny joke to break the ice at the meeting. 3. Hit the hay - To go to bed.  It’s late and I have to get up early tomorrow; time to hit the hay. 4. Under the weather - Feeling ill or sick.  I'm feeling a bit under the weather, so I think I'll stay in tonight. 5. Spill the beans - Reveal a secret.  Come on, spill the beans! Who's the secret guest at the party? 6. Kick the bucket - An idiom for dying.  My old car finally kicked the bucket, so now I need a new one. 7. Bite the bullet - To endure a painful experience or to face the situation courageously.  I guess I just have to bite the bullet and get my tooth pulled out. 8. Let the cat out of the bag - To reveal something that was supposed to be a secret.  ...