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Exam Vocabulary

Acquire   To obtain or come into possession of something. Ambiguous   Open to more than one interpretation; having a double meaning. Coherent   Logical and consistent; forming a unified whole. Comprehend To understand the nature or meaning of something. Diverse Showing a great deal of variety; differing from one another. Elaborate   To add more information to or explain something you have said  Emphasize To give special importance to something in speaking or writing. Inference   A conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning. Justify   To show or prove to be right or reasonable. Validity   The quality of being based on truth or reason; legally acceptable Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words from the list: 1. It's essential to ___________ the instructions before starting a new task. 2. It is important to ___________ new skills and knowledge throughout your career. 3. A good essay should have a ___________ structure that is e...