
Showing posts with the label English short stories for beginners

Just Be Yourself

Just Be Yourself   John wanted people to like him, so he pretended to be someone else. At parties, he told funny stories that were not true. He wore bright clothes he did not like. He acted very confident, but inside, he felt lonely and sad. One day, John met an old friend named Sam. Sam was simple and kind. He did not try to be someone else. John felt relaxed with Sam because Sam liked him for who he was, not for who he pretended to be.  Sam told John, "You do not need to be different to make friends. Just be yourself." John thought about it and decided to stop pretending. He wore clothes he liked and told his real stories. At first, he was scared, but soon, he felt happier. People started to like the real John. John learned that it is better to be yourself. True friends will like you for who you are. Solo sé tú mismo Juan quiere que le guste a la gente, así que pretende ser otra persona. En las fiestas, cuenta historias graciosas que no son verdad. Lleva ropa llamativa que

Football Story

Tom's Football Story Tom's Football Story Tom is a young boy. He loves football. Every morning, he wakes up early. He eats his breakfast quickly. Then, he runs to the park. In the park, he meets his friends. They all play football together. Tom is very fast. He plays as a forward. He scores many goals. His friends cheer for him. After school, Tom has practice. His coach teaches him new skills. Tom works hard. He listens carefully. His coach is proud of him. At home, Tom watches football on TV. He learns from the best players. His favorite player is Lionel Messi. Tom wants to be like him one day. Every night, before bed, Tom dreams of playing in a big stadium. He dreams of many fans cheering for him. Football makes Tom very happy. It is his favorite thing in the world. Football Quiz Football Quiz 1. What time does Tom wake up in the mornin

The Rocking Stars

The Rocking Stars Story and Quiz The Rocking Stars Once upon a time in a small town, there was a boy named Tom. Tom loved music more than anything else. He dreamed of forming a rock band with his best friends, Lily, Kevin, and Sarah. One day, he decided to make his dream come true. Tom talked to his friends, and they all agreed to join the band. Tom would play the guitar, Lily the keyboard, Kevin the drums, and Sarah would be the lead singer. They were all very excited and started practicing together in Tom's garage. At first, everything was fun. They practiced every weekend, laughing and enjoying each other's company. They even came up with a cool name for their band: "The Rocking Stars." But soon, things started to change. Tom wanted the band to be perfect. He began to take the music too seriously and acted like a boss. He told his friends what to do and how to play their instruments. If someone made a mistake, To

The Lost Kitten

The Lost Kitten The Lost Kitten One day, Sarah found a lost kitten outside her house. The kitten's fur was soft and gray with white paws. Sarah took the kitten inside and gave it some food and water. She made a cozy bed for the kitten to sleep in. The next day, Sarah put up some posters around the neighborhood to find the kitten's owner. A few days later, the kitten's owner saw the poster and came to get their lost pet. Sarah was happy to see the kitten go back home. Questions: Where did Sarah find the lost kitten? What did Sarah give the kitten when she found it? What did Sarah do the next day to find the kitten's owner? How did the kitten's owner find out about the lost pet? How did Sarah feel when the kitten's owner came to get it? Choose the correct word to complete the sentences: Sarah found a lost kitten outside her ______. (house/car)

Sweeter than chocolate

  Once upon a time, there was a boy named Alex. What was the boy's name? Right, his name was Alex. Alex loved chocolate. What did Alex love? Yes, chocolate! Every day, Alex ate some chocolate after lunch. When did Alex eat chocolate? Yes, after lunch. He had a small, secret stash of chocolate bars. Where did Alex keep his chocolate? That's right, in a small secret stash. One day, Alex wanted to eat chocolate before lunch. Is that what he usually did? No, usually, he ate it after lunch. He went to his secret spot, but oh no! The chocolate was gone. What was gone? Correct, the chocolate! Alex looked everywhere. Where did Alex look? Yes, everywhere. He found his little sister, Lily, with chocolate on her face. Who did Alex find? That's right, his sister Lily. How do you think Lily’s face looked? Yes, with chocolate on it. "Did you eat my chocolate?" Alex asked. What did Alex ask? Yes, he asked if Lily ate his chocolate. Lily nodded. She looked sorry. How did Lily loo

Making Friends

Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Tim. Tim was very quiet and always sat alone. He looked at other children playing together and wished he could join, but he didn't know how. Tim was too shy to say "hello". One sunny day, Tim went to the park. He saw kids laughing and running with a colorful ball. Tim wanted to play too, but he just watched from a bench. He hugged his knees and felt very lonely. Just then, a friendly dog came up to Tim with a ball in its mouth. Tim smiled and threw the ball. The dog ran fast and brought the ball back. They played together, and Tim laughed. A girl named Lily saw Tim playing with the dog. She came over and said, "Can I play with you?" Tim felt nervous, but he nodded. They threw the ball for the dog and started talking. "What's your name?" Lily asked. "I'm Tim," he replied. "I'm Lily. Do you want to be friends?" she asked with a big smile. Tim felt happy inside. "Yes, I