
Showing posts with the label English short stories

The story of Prophet Yunus

The story of Prophet Yunus The story of Prophet Yunus (known as Jonah in the Judeo-Christian tradition) is a significant tale in Islamic tradition, highlighting themes of repentance, mercy, and the compassion of God. Prophet Yunus was sent by God to the people of Nineveh, a great city whose inhabitants had fallen into idol worship and sin. Despite his warnings and calls for them to repent and turn back to God, the people of Nineveh refused to listen. Frustrated by their persistent disobedience, Prophet Yunus decided to leave the city, assuming that God's punishment would inevitably come upon the people. He departed without God's command, which was a lapse in his duty as a prophet. After leaving Nineveh, Yunus boarded a ship. During the voyage, aviolent storm threatened to sink the vessel. The crew and passengers, believing that someone on board had brought misfortune, decided to cast lots to determine who it was. The lot fell on Yunus, leading them to throw him overboard to cal

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A Story about Self-sabotaging  Jack was a talented painter, but he never showed his work to anyone. He often doubted himself and thought he was not good enough. Every time someone asked about his paintings, Jack would say, "Oh, they’re not ready," or "I need more practice." Deep down, Jack was afraid of failure and worried people wouldn't like his art. One day, Jack met an old friend, Sarah, at the local market. She was an art teacher and very enthusiastic about seeing his work. "Please, just show me one painting," she insisted. Reluctantly, Jack agreed. He showed her a picture he had hidden in his attic. Sarah's eyes lit up with amazement. "Jack, this is beautiful! You have a gift," she exclaimed. Her words made Jack think. Why had he been hiding his talent? That night, Jack sat quietly and thought about his life. He realized he had been sabotaging his own success. His fear of failure was holding him back. He decided it was time for a ch

Pandora's Box

Who was Pandora and what was in her box? Pandora was the first woman in Greek mythology. According to the stories, she was created by the gods, each giving her special gifts. Her name even means "all-gifted." Zeus, the king of the gods, gave Pandora a box as a wedding present but told her never to open it. However, Pandora was very curious about what was inside. One day, she couldn't resist her curiosity and decided to open the box. The moment she opened it, many bad things flew out: sickness, envy, hatred, and more. These were all the evils that now exist in the world. Frightened, Pandora quickly closed the box, but it was too late. All the bad things had escaped. However, when she looked inside the box again, she saw that there was one thing left: hope. Pandora realized that even though there are many problems in the world, hope is always there to help us keep going. This story explains why there are troubles in the world and why hope remains important. Questions   1. W

Shopping Adventure

Emma's Shopping Adventure Emma is a girl who loves shopping more than anything else. Every Saturday, she eagerly waits for the weekend to go to her favorite mall.  One sunny Saturday morning, Emma wakes up and thinks, ** "What should I wear today?" ** She decides to wear her favorite blue dress because it makes her feel happy.  As she arrives at the mall, she wonders, **" Who will I meet here? "** She loves bumping into her friends while shopping. To her surprise, she finds her best friend Lily standing near the entrance. **" What are you doing here? "** Lily asks with a big smile. "I was just about to ask you the same thing!" Emma replies. They start their adventure by going to the first store. **" How much does this dress cost? "** Emma asks as she holds up a beautiful red dress. "I think it’s on sale!" Lily answers excitedly. They quickly check the price tag, and Emma says, **" What a great deal! "**  Next, th