
Showing posts with the label English podcasts for learners

Keanu Reeves

Keanu Reeves Biography  Keanu Reeves is a famous actor from Canada. He was born on September 2, 1964, in Beirut, Lebanon. His father is from Hawaii, and his mother is from England. Keanu moved to Canada when he was a young child, and he grew up in Toronto. Keanu became famous for his roles in movies. His first big movie was "Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure" in 1989. Many people know him from the "Matrix" movies, where he played a character called Neo. The "Matrix" movies are about a world controlled by machines. Keanu also acted in other popular movies like "Speed," "John Wick," and "Point Break." Besides acting, Keanu loves music and played in a band called Dogstar. Keanu is known for being a kind and humble person. He helps many charities and likes to keep his life private. Fans all around the world admire him for his talent and good heart. Answer These Questions  1. Where was Keanu Reeves born? 2. Where did Keanu R

Listening test

A) Listen to two people talking about the past and fill in the blanks with the words you hear. 1. Person 1: "If only I had pursued my passion for ___________ instead of __________ to others, I might __________ been a successful artist today. I ___________ not following my heart back _________." 2. Person 2: "Looking back, I wish I had taken that job offer ___________. Maybe my life ___________ have been more ___________ and fulfilling. But I've come to ___________ that everything __________ for a reason." B) Listen to the recording and complete the following statements with suitable words 1. The Maiden's Tower is a famous building located in __________. 2. It sits on a small island at the entrance of the __________. 3. The tower was first constructed by people from __________ in 408 BC to __________. 4. Over the years, the Maiden's Tower has been __________ and rebuilt many times. 5. The current look of the tower was established in the __________ century


  What makes you laugh? **Radio Host** : Welcome back, listeners! Today's topic is all about laughter—what tickles your funny bone? We've got our first caller on the line. Hey there, you're live! What makes you laugh? **Caller 1** : Hey! Thanks for having me. For me, nothing beats a good pun. It's all about that moment when you realize there's a second layer to what you've just heard. Like, I heard this one the other day, "I’m reading a book on the history of glue. Can’t put it down." It's simple but so clever! **Radio Host** : (Laughs) That’s a good one! It really sticks with you. Thanks for sharing! Let's hear from our next caller. What's your source of laughter? **Caller 2** : Hi! I'm all about those funny moments in everyday life. You know, those situations you can't make up even if you tried. Like when you walk into a room and forget why you’re there, but it turns out you went to get your phone, which you’ve been holding in you


Speaking question: What makes you happy? Happiness J asmine "Good morning! This is Jasmine. You know, thinking about what truly makes me happy, I'd immediately say it's the time I spend with my family. Just last weekend, we had this impromptu picnic in the park. It was nothing fancy, just some homemade sandwiches and lemonade. But the laughter, the games, and even the quiet moments of just sitting together, watching the kids play – those are my treasures. It's in these simple, unplanned moments that I find profound happiness. It reminds me of the beauty of connection and how the simplest things can indeed be the most beautiful." Mark "Hey there, I'm Mark. What makes me happy, you ask? Achievement. I spent years working towards a specific career milestone. There were countless late nights, setbacks, and moments of doubt. But then, the moment I achieved what I'd been striving for, it was surreal. The happiness I felt wasn't just because I'd reac

Talking about travel plans

My Travel Plans I'm going to Tokyo, Japan, with my family. It's a place I really want to visit because I love Japanese culture and anime. My family means my mom, dad, and younger sister. We usually have fun on trips, even though sometimes we argue a bit. That's normal, I think. We have lots of plans in Tokyo. First, we want to see the Shibuya Crossing. It's a busy place with lots of people. It's famous and exciting. I also want to go to Akihabara because I like anime and manga. It's a great place to buy comics and cool tech stuff. We'll visit the Senso-ji Temple too. It's old and beautiful, with lots of history. I'm excited to try Japanese food like ramen, sushi, and takoyaki. My whole family wants to try different foods. We're staying in two places. First, in a ryokan, which is a traditional Japanese inn, in Shinjuku. It's to learn more about Japanese culture. Then, we'll stay in a modern hotel in Shibuya. I can't wait for this trip.

Explore London

Explore London: A City Full of Fun and History London is a big and exciting city on the River Thames. It has old buildings and new things to see and do. When you walk around, you can see different parts that each have their own feel. Famous Places and Kings and Queens Start your visit by seeing Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament, where the country's rules are made. Close by is a church called Westminster Abbey where kings and queens have their big ceremonies. Don't forget to watch the royal guards change at Buckingham Palace. This is a very traditional thing in London. Museums and Art There are many museums and art places in London. In the British Museum you can learn about people from long ago. Places like the Tate Modern and the National Gallery have many beautiful paintings. If you like plays, go to the West End to see actors perform on stage. Parks and Gardens London has a lot of pretty parks. Visit Hyde Park or Regent's Park to relax or play on the water in a boat. K

Asking great questions

Learning to Ask Great Questions: A Key Life Skill Think of asking questions like going on a treasure hunt. The better your questions, the better the treasure you might find! Let's talk about why being good at asking questions is super useful and how you can get better at it. Why Being Good at Asking Questions Rocks 1. **Learning Stuff**   When you ask a super question, it's like opening a new door in a video game. You get to explore and learn new things that help you level up in real life. 2. **Chatting Better**   Asking neat questions is like tossing a ball back and forth—it keeps the conversation fun and flowing. Plus, people like it when you're interested in what they have to say. 3. **Coming Up with Cool Ideas**   All the amazing stuff you use every day started with someone asking, "What if we...?" Questions are like the seeds that grow into awesome inventions. 4. **Making Smarter Choices**   Sometimes you need to dig a bit to find what you need to know. Good

How to be funny

Unleashing Your Inner Comedian: A Guide to Being Funny Humor is a powerful tool. It can defuse tension, connect people, and brighten even the dullest of days. Some people seem to effortlessly make others laugh, but being funny is a skill that can be honed and developed. Here are a few tips to help you become the life of the party: 1. Timing is Everything: A well-timed joke can make all the difference. Pay attention to the flow of conversation and look for opportunities to drop your punchline. Sometimes, a pause before delivering your line can make it land even better. 2. Know Your Audience: Not every joke resonates with everyone. Understand the people you're with and tailor your humor to their sensibilities. Avoid jokes that could be offensive or hurtful to others. 3. Embrace Your Quirks: Often, the most hilarious moments come from embracing our own quirks and idiosyncrasies. Don't be afraid to laugh at yourself and share those funny little stories that make you unique. 4. Stay