
Showing posts with the label English grammar quiz

The Simple Present Tense and the Present Continuous Tense

The Simple Present Tense and the Present Continuous Tense Part 1: Simple Present Tense He enjoys listening to music in the evening. Instructions: Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verb in parentheses. 1. She __________ (to go) to school every day. 2. They __________ (to play) soccer on weekends. 3. He __________ (to always listen) to music in the evening. 4. The store __________ (to open) at 9 AM. 5. Maria __________ (to not like) spicy food. 6. I __________ (to read) the newspaper every morning. 7. It __________ (to rain) a lot in the spring. 8. The train __________ (to leave) at 6 PM every day. 9. Birds __________ (to fly) in the sky. 10. My brother __________ (to work) in a bank. Part 2: Present Continuous Tense He is listening to music now. Instructions : Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verb in parentheses. 1. She __________ (to study) for her exams right now. 2. They __________ (to play) soccer in the park. 3. He __________ (to always listen


Exercises Grammar Exercises Part A: Fill the blanks with 'a', 'an', 'some' or 'any' 1. I need umbrella. (to indicate one) 2. Do we have eggs left? (to indicate none or some) 3. She bought books from the bookstore. (to indicate some) 4. There aren't cookies left. (to indicate none) 5. Would you like tea? (to indicate some) 6. I saw dog in the park. (to indicate one) 7. He doesn't have friends in the city. (to indicate none) 8. She wants chocolates. (to indicate some) Part B: Choose the correct option 9. We had great day at the beach. (a/an)

Irregular Verbs

Exercise: Past Forms of Irregular Verbs Part 1: Fill in the Blanks Fill in the blanks with the correct past tense form of the irregular verb given in parentheses. 1. Yesterday, I _____ (go) to the grocery store. 2. She _____ (buy) a beautiful dress for the party. 3. We _____ (eat) pizza for dinner last night. 4. He _____ (take) his dog for a walk in the afternoon. 5. They _____ (see) a movie over the weekend. 6. I _____ (give) my friend a birthday present. 7. The child _____ (drink) a glass of milk. 8. My brother _____ (drive) to work very early this morning. 9. She _____ (meet) her old friend after many years. 10. He _____ (swim) across the river yesterday. Irregular verbs in English   Part 2: Multiple Choice Choose the correct past tense form of the irregular verb to complete the sentence. 1. We finally _____ the top of the mountain.    a) reach    b) reached    c) reacheded    d) reaches 2. The teacher _____ the answer to the question.    a) know    b) knew    c) knowing    d) knowe

Grammar test part 2

Part 2: Fill in the Blanks Quiz Part 2: Fill in the Blanks 11. Use the correct form of 'to be' in the past tense: They very happy after the party. 12. Complete the comparative sentence: This test is (easy) than I thought. 13. Fill in the blank with the correct preposition: I usually walk the park on my way home. 14. Correctly use 'there is' or 'there are': many students in the classroom today. 15. Use the correct form of the verb in the present continuous tense: Alex (study) for his exams right now. 16. Fill in the blank with the correct possessive pronoun: That book is (she). 17. Use the correct form of the verb 'to have' in the present perfect tense: We (see) that movie already. 18. Complete the sentence with the correct modal verb: You (finish) your homework before you go out. 19. Fill in the blank with the correct past

Grammar test

Multiple Choice Test Part 1: Multiple Choice Questions 1. Choose the correct form of the verb: Anna __________ to the store yesterday. a) goes b) went c) going 2. Complete the sentence with the correct word: I have __________ books than you. a) many b) more c) much 3. Choose the correct preposition: The cat is hiding __________ the table. a) on b) in c) under 4. Choose the correct form: We __________ seen that movie. a) has b) have c) had 5. Choose the correct adjective: This is the __________ film I have ever seen. a) most exciting b) more exciting c) excitingest 6. Complete the sentence with the correct verb form: They __________ to Paris next month. a) travel

Mixed tense exercises

Interactive Mixed Tense Exercise Mixed Tense Exercise 1. She a letter every day. (write) 2. They a movie right now. (watch) 3. He his homework. (finish) 4. I a book when you called. (read) 5. We for you for an hour. (wait) 6. She to the market tomorrow. (go) 7. They next month. (travel) 8. He before he left. (eat) 9. I the project by next week. (complete) 10. She a class right now. (teach) 11. They on the problem for hours. (work) 12. He a marathon next Sunday. (run) 13. I French this year. (learn)