
Showing posts with the label English grammar exercises

Are you or Do you

Are you...? Or Do you...? Use " are you " for questions about states of being and " do you " for actions and habits 1. How often ______ go to the gym? 2. ______ interested in learning a new language? 3. What ______ usually have for breakfast? 4. ______ live near your workplace? 5. ______ a fan of science fiction movies? 6. ______ enjoy hiking on the weekends? 7. ______ traveling to any place exciting soon? 8. How much ______ usually spend on groceries each week? 9. ______ happy with your current job? 10. ______ have any pets at home? 11. What time ______ usually wake up in the morning? 12. ______ planning to study abroad next year? 13. How well ______ speak English? 14. ______ like to cook new recipes? 15. Where ______ from originally? 16. ______ excited about the upcoming holiday? 17. How many books ______ read in a month? 18. ______ want to join the book club with us? 19. What hobbies ______ have besides reading? 20. ______ find this exercise helpful for learning?

The Simple Present Tense and the Present Continuous Tense

The Simple Present Tense and the Present Continuous Tense Part 1: Simple Present Tense He enjoys listening to music in the evening. Instructions: Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verb in parentheses. 1. She __________ (to go) to school every day. 2. They __________ (to play) soccer on weekends. 3. He __________ (to always listen) to music in the evening. 4. The store __________ (to open) at 9 AM. 5. Maria __________ (to not like) spicy food. 6. I __________ (to read) the newspaper every morning. 7. It __________ (to rain) a lot in the spring. 8. The train __________ (to leave) at 6 PM every day. 9. Birds __________ (to fly) in the sky. 10. My brother __________ (to work) in a bank. Part 2: Present Continuous Tense He is listening to music now. Instructions : Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verb in parentheses. 1. She __________ (to study) for her exams right now. 2. They __________ (to play) soccer in the park. 3. He __________ (to always listen


Exercises Grammar Exercises Part A: Fill the blanks with 'a', 'an', 'some' or 'any' 1. I need umbrella. (to indicate one) 2. Do we have eggs left? (to indicate none or some) 3. She bought books from the bookstore. (to indicate some) 4. There aren't cookies left. (to indicate none) 5. Would you like tea? (to indicate some) 6. I saw dog in the park. (to indicate one) 7. He doesn't have friends in the city. (to indicate none) 8. She wants chocolates. (to indicate some) Part B: Choose the correct option 9. We had great day at the beach. (a/an)

Plural Nouns in English

Plural Nouns Test A goose - Some geese Part A: Regular Plurals For each singular noun below, write the correct plural form. 1. cat 2. dog 3. apple 4. car 5. book 6. chair 7. pencil 8. house 9. tree 10. box Part B: Irregular Plurals For each singular noun below, write the correct plural form. 1. child 2. man 3. woman 4. tooth 5. foot 6. mouse 7. goose 8. person 9. cactus 10. fish Part C: Special Rules for Plurals For each singular noun below, write the correct plural form according to the rule given in parentheses. 1. baby (plural with -y changing to -ies) 2. city (plural with -y changing to -ies) 3. knife (plural with -f or -fe changing to -ves) 4. loaf (plural with -f or -fe changing to -ves) 5. potato (plural of nouns ending in -o, usually adding -es) 6. hero (plural of nouns ending in -o, usually adding -es) 7. phenomenon (plural of nouns with Greek or Latin origins, irregular) 8. analysis (plural of nouns with Greek or Latin origins, irregular) 9. axis (plural of nouns with Greek o

a, an, the articles

Articles Quiz Articles Quiz Section 1: Fill in the Blanks Choose the correct article (a, an, the) to fill in the blanks. 1. She bought apple at the market. 2. I saw movie last night. 3. Pacific Ocean is very vast. 4. He is interesting person. 5. We need umbrella because it's raining. 6. Can you pass me salt? 7. sun rises in the east. 8. European country with a high standard of living is Sweden. 9. I have idea! 10. They are hiring new manager. Check Answers Section 2: Multiple Choice Select the correct article to complete each sentence. 1. She wants to become a an the engineer. 2.

Past simple and continuous

Past Simple and Past Continuous Test Past Simple and Past Continuous Test Part 1: Multiple Choice 1. When I was were young, I played was playing soccer every day. 2. She studied was studying for her exams all night yesterday. 3. While we watched were watching TV, the power went was going out. 4. They built were building the house while we lived were living in another city. 5. He dro

Irregular Verbs

Exercise: Past Forms of Irregular Verbs Part 1: Fill in the Blanks Fill in the blanks with the correct past tense form of the irregular verb given in parentheses. 1. Yesterday, I _____ (go) to the grocery store. 2. She _____ (buy) a beautiful dress for the party. 3. We _____ (eat) pizza for dinner last night. 4. He _____ (take) his dog for a walk in the afternoon. 5. They _____ (see) a movie over the weekend. 6. I _____ (give) my friend a birthday present. 7. The child _____ (drink) a glass of milk. 8. My brother _____ (drive) to work very early this morning. 9. She _____ (meet) her old friend after many years. 10. He _____ (swim) across the river yesterday. Irregular verbs in English   Part 2: Multiple Choice Choose the correct past tense form of the irregular verb to complete the sentence. 1. We finally _____ the top of the mountain.    a) reach    b) reached    c) reacheded    d) reaches 2. The teacher _____ the answer to the question.    a) know    b) knew    c) knowing    d) knowe

English tense review

ALL TENSES IN ENGLISH  İngilizce zamanlar Present Tenses 1. ** Simple Present **    - **Definition:** Describes actions that are habitual or generally true.    - **Structure:** Subject + Base Verb (add 's' or 'es' for third person singular)    - **Example:** She *writes* letters every day. 2. ** Present Continuous (Progressive)**    - **Definition:** Describes actions happening at the moment of speaking or current temporary actions.    - **Structure:** Subject + am/is/are + Verb-ing    - **Example:** They *are studying* for their exams right now. 3. ** Present Perfect **    - **Definition:** Describes actions that happened at an unspecified time before now or actions that started in the past and continue to the present.    - **Structure:** Subject + has/have + Past Participle    - **Example:** She *has visited* Paris twice. 4. ** Present Perfect Continuous **    - **Definition:** Describes actions that started in the past and have continued up until now.    - **Structu

Helping verbs

Helping Verbs in Questions Helping Verbs in Questions Submit Quiz

Grammar test part 2

Part 2: Fill in the Blanks Quiz Part 2: Fill in the Blanks 11. Use the correct form of 'to be' in the past tense: They very happy after the party. 12. Complete the comparative sentence: This test is (easy) than I thought. 13. Fill in the blank with the correct preposition: I usually walk the park on my way home. 14. Correctly use 'there is' or 'there are': many students in the classroom today. 15. Use the correct form of the verb in the present continuous tense: Alex (study) for his exams right now. 16. Fill in the blank with the correct possessive pronoun: That book is (she). 17. Use the correct form of the verb 'to have' in the present perfect tense: We (see) that movie already. 18. Complete the sentence with the correct modal verb: You (finish) your homework before you go out. 19. Fill in the blank with the correct past

Grammar test

Multiple Choice Test Part 1: Multiple Choice Questions 1. Choose the correct form of the verb: Anna __________ to the store yesterday. a) goes b) went c) going 2. Complete the sentence with the correct word: I have __________ books than you. a) many b) more c) much 3. Choose the correct preposition: The cat is hiding __________ the table. a) on b) in c) under 4. Choose the correct form: We __________ seen that movie. a) has b) have c) had 5. Choose the correct adjective: This is the __________ film I have ever seen. a) most exciting b) more exciting c) excitingest 6. Complete the sentence with the correct verb form: They __________ to Paris next month. a) travel

Mixed tense exercises

Interactive Mixed Tense Exercise Mixed Tense Exercise 1. She a letter every day. (write) 2. They a movie right now. (watch) 3. He his homework. (finish) 4. I a book when you called. (read) 5. We for you for an hour. (wait) 6. She to the market tomorrow. (go) 7. They next month. (travel) 8. He before he left. (eat) 9. I the project by next week. (complete) 10. She a class right now. (teach) 11. They on the problem for hours. (work) 12. He a marathon next Sunday. (run) 13. I French this year. (learn)

Passive Voice

The Passive Voice in English The passive voice in English is formed when the focus of the sentence is on the action or the recipient of the action, not on who or what is performing the action. **Basic Structure of Passive Voice:** - **Form**: be + past participle of the main verb - **General formula**: Subject + Auxiliary Verb (be) + the 3rd form of the main verb (Past Participle) + by + Agent **Present Tense** **Simple Present** - **Active**: The chef cooks the meal. - **Passive**: The meal is cooked by the chef. **Present Continuous** - **Active**: The chef is cooking the meal. - **Passive**: The meal is being cooked by the chef. **Past Tense** **Simple Past** - **Active**: The chef cooked the meal. - **Passive**: The meal was cooked by the chef. **Past Continuous** - **Active**: The chef was cooking the meal. - **Passive**: The meal was being cooked by the chef. **Future Tense** **Simple Future** - **Active**: The chef will cook the meal. - **Passive**: The meal will be cooked by t

Perfect Modals

Perfect modals in English are used to express certainty, possibility, necessity, or speculative statements about the past. Here are the various perfect modals and how to use each: 1. ** Must have + past participle**: Suggests a strong probability or logical assumption about an action in the past.    - Example: He must have left the office; his car is not in the parking lot. 2. ** Might/Could have + past participle**: Indicates a possibility in the past, often one of several possibilities.    - Example: She might have taken the earlier train. 3. ** Should have + past participle**: Expresses an expected or recommended action that did not occur in the past.    - Example: They should have arrived by now, I'm worried they got lost. 4. ** May have + past participle**: Implies that an action possibly occurred, but there is still some uncertainty. It’s less certain than "must have."    - Example: He may have forgotten our meeting today. 5. ** Would have + past participle**:

Tag Questions

Tag Questions Quiz Fill in the blank with the correct tag question. Choose the correct auxiliary verb and pronoun. 1. She can play the piano, _________? 2. They aren’t coming to the party, _________? 3. You’ve been to London, _________? 4. We should start the meeting now, _________? 5. He won’t mind if we’re late, _________? 6. It’s a beautiful day, _________? 7. They had finished the game before we arrived, _________? 8. You’re not using this, _________? 9. Oliver doesn’t like sushi, _________? 10. The movie was interesting, _________? 11. You think the test was easy, _________? 12. So, we're on for the meeting at five, _________? 13. They haven't sent the email yet, _________? 14. It looks like it's going to rain the whole weekend, _________? 15. You didn't understand the explanation,  _________? **Quiz Answers:** 1. can't she? 2. are they? 3. haven’t you? 4. shouldn't we? 5. will he? 6. isn't it? 7. hadn't they? 8. are you? 9. does he? 10. wasn't

Present perfect tense

Present Perfect Tense to Describe Life Experiences Have you ever climbed a mountain? ## Introduction to the Present Perfect Tense The present perfect tense is formed with the auxiliary verb 'have' (in the correct form for the subject) and the past participle of the main verb. It's used to connect the past and the present. One of its main uses is to describe experiences that occurred at an unspecified time in the past. These experiences are relevant to the present moment or impact the person's life now. ## Structure of the Present Perfect **Positive:** Subject + has/have + past participle **Example:** I have visited Paris. **Negative:** Subject + has/have + not + past participle **Example:** She hasn't climbed Mount Everest. **Question:** Have/Has + subject + past participle? **Example:** Have you tried sushi? ## Talking About Life Experiences ### Unspecified Time When talking about life experiences, we don't specify when they happened; we're more interested

The third conditional

The third conditional in English is used to talk about hypothetical or unreal situations in the past and their imagined results, which also did not happen. The structure usually takes the form: "If" + past perfect, "would have" + past participle. Here are some exercises to practice forming and using third conditional sentences: If I hadn't run out of petrol, I wouldn't have had to walk for miles. **Exercise 1: Complete the third conditional sentences** 1. If I __________ (study) harder, I would have passed the exam. 2. She would have come to the party if she __________ (not be) sick. 3. If they __________ (know) about the traffic, they would have left earlier. 4. We __________ (go) on vacation if we __________ (have) enough money. 5. If he __________ (drive) more carefully, he wouldn't have had an accident. **Exercise 2: Create your own third conditional sentences** Imagine scenarios where something could have been different in the past. Write sentences