
Comparative Form of Adjectives Introduction : The comparative form of adjectives is used to compare differences between two objects (people, places, things, ideas, etc.). Forming Comparative Adjectives : 1. ** Short Adjectives :** - These are typically one-syllable adjectives or two-syllable adjectives ending in -y. - **Formation Rule:** Add "-er" to the end of the adjective. **Examples:** - Tall → Tall**er** - Small → Small**er** - Happy → Happ**ier** ** Spelling Changes: ** - For adjectives ending in a single consonant preceded by a single vowel, double the consonant before adding "-er". - Big → Big**ger** - Hot → Hot**ter** 2. ** Long Adjectives :** - These are typically adjectives with two or more syllables. - **Formation Rule:** Use "more" before the adjective instead of adding...