
Showing posts with the label İngilizce konuşma pratiği

School Life

Talking about School in English School Life Questions and Answers 1. What is your favorite subject in school? Why?    My favorite subject is art. I like it because I enjoy drawing and painting. It is fun to be creative. 2. How do you get to school?    I take the bus to school. Sometimes, I walk if the weather is nice. 3. What time does your school start and end?    My school starts at 9:00 AM and ends at 3:30 PM. We have a lunch break from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM. 4. Who is your favorite teacher? What do you like about them?    My favorite teacher is Mr. Johnson. He is very funny and makes the classes interesting. I enjoy his lessons. 5. What do you usually do during recess?    During recess, I like to play basketball with my friends. We have a lot of fun together. 6. Do you have homework every day? In which subjects?    Yes, I have homework every day, usually in math and English. Sometimes, I have science homework too. 7. What is your least favorite subject? Why?       My least favorite s

Living in a City

  What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a big city? Living in a big city has a lot of good things. There are many jobs and chances to grow your career. Cities have lots of different kinds of people and cultures, so you can try different foods and learn about different traditions. Also, cities have good public transportation, so you don't always need a car. But living in a big city can also have some not-so-good parts. It can be really expensive, especially for housing. Cities can be busy and stressful, making it hard to relax. Also, there's often a lot of traffic and air pollution that can make it less healthy to live there. Some people might find the noisy and crowded city life too much to handle. The second answer  Living in a big city offers numerous advantages. One of the main benefits is the abundance of job opportunities and career growth. Cities often have a variety of industries and businesses, providing residents with a wide range of employment options