Debating in English

"Being an early bird is better than being a night owl."

Emma: Hi Lucas! I think being an early bird is definitely better. Waking up early gives you a head start on the day, and you can get a lot more done with that extra time in the morning.

Lucas: Hey Emma! I understand, but I prefer being a night owl. The quiet late at night is perfect for focusing, and I feel more creative after the sun goes down.

Emma: I see your point, but in the morning, everything is fresh. You can enjoy the sunrise and start your day calm and relaxed before everyone else gets busy. Plus, it’s easier to have a consistent routine.

Lucas: That’s true, but nighttime has its perks too. There are fewer distractions, so it’s easier to concentrate on reading, writing, or playing games. It’s like having your special quiet time.

Emma: Waking up early helps you align with most of the world’s schedule. Many businesses and schools run on early schedules, so it’s easier to get appointments and errands done.

Lucas: That makes sense, but being a night owl means you can enjoy late-night shows or do things online when fewer people are around, which can be more enjoyable without all the hustle and bustle.

Emma: When you get up early, you’re usually more in sync with natural light. This helps regulate your sleep cycle and can actually make you feel more energetic during the day.

Lucas: True, but I’ve found that I can concentrate better at night. Some of my best ideas come when everything is quiet, and I can focus without interruptions. I think it just depends on when you’re most productive.

Emma: Good point. But being an early bird means you can fit in a morning workout, which really boosts your energy and mood for the whole day. Plus, breakfast is a nice meal to enjoy without rushing.

Lucas: You’re right! It seems both have their benefits. I suppose it really depends on what fits your lifestyle and when you feel at your best.

Emma: Exactly! Some people thrive in the morning, while others do their best work at night. It’s great that we can choose what works best for us.

Lucas: Agreed! Let’s just say whether you’re an early bird or a night owl, what matters most is finding the time that makes you feel happy and productive.


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