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The White Butterfly and the Rosemary Plant

In a sunny garden, there is a beautiful white butterfly. The butterfly has soft wings that sparkle in the sunlight. Every day, she flies from flower to flower, looking for sweet nectar.

One day, the butterfly sees a green plant with small blue flowers. It is a rosemary plant. The butterfly is curious. She flies down to the rosemary plant and lands gently on one of its leaves.

"Hello!" says the rosemary plant. "Welcome to my home!"

The butterfly is surprised. "You can talk!" she says.

"Yes," says the rosemary plant. "I can talk because I love to make friends. What is your name?"

"My name is Bella," says the butterfly. "I fly around the garden every day. What is your name?"

"I am Rosie," says the rosemary plant. "I grow in this garden. I smell good and help people in their cooking."

Bella smiles. "You are special, Rosie! I like your smell."

Rosie is happy. "Thank you, Bella! You have beautiful wings. You bring joy to the garden."

They talk and laugh together. Bella shares stories about her flying adventures. Rosie tells Bella about the sun and the rain that help her grow.

Days pass, and Bella visits Rosie every day. Bella dances in the air, and Rosie stands tall in the sun. They are good friends.

One day, it starts to rain. Bella is worried. "Oh no! I cannot fly in the rain!" she says.

"Don’t worry, Bella!" Rosie says. "You can sit on my leaves until the rain stops."

Bella smiles and rests on Rosie’s leaves. They watch the raindrops fall together. After a while, the sun comes out again, and the garden glistens with water.

"Thank you for being my friend, Rosie," says Bella. "You always help me."

"You help me too, Bella," says Rosie. "Friends help each other."

From that day on, Bella and Rosie stay friends. The white butterfly and the rosemary plant bring happiness to the garden. Together, they enjoy the beauty of nature and the warmth of friendship.

And so, Bella and Rosie live happily in the sunny garden, reminding everyone that friendship is a wonderful thing.

The End


on "The White Butterfly and the Rosemary Plant"

Reading Comprehension Questions:

1. Where does the story take place?

2. What is the name of the butterfly?

3. What does Bella do every day in the garden?

4. How does Rosie, the rosemary plant, help people?

5. Why can't Bella fly when it starts to rain?

Grammar Questions:

6. Identify the tense used in the story.

7. Convert the sentence "Bella smiles and rests on Rosie’s leaves" to the past tense.

8. Find an example of direct speech in the story. Write it down.

9. What is the subject in the sentence "The butterfly has soft wings"?

Vocabulary Exercises:

10. Match the words with their meanings:

    a. Nectar  

    b. Sparkle  

    c. Curious  

    d. Adventure  


    1. An exciting or unusual experience  

    2. Sweet liquid found in flowers  

    3. To shine brightly  

    4. Eager to know or learn something  

11. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the story (use: sunny, gentle, garden, warmth):

    a. The butterfly flies in a _____ manner.

    b. They enjoy the beauty of nature and the _____ of friendship.

    c. Bella lives in a _____ place.

    d. Rosie grows in the _____ and helps with cooking. 


**Reading Comprehension:**

1. In a sunny garden.

2. Bella.

3. She flies from flower to flower, looking for nectar.

4. Rosie smells good and helps people in their cooking.

5. Because it is raining, and she cannot fly in the rain.


6. Present tense.

7. Bella smiled and rested on Rosie’s leaves.

8. Example: "Hello!" says the rosemary plant. "Welcome to my home!"

9. The subject is "The butterfly."


10. a-2, b-3, c-4, d-1

11. a. gentle 

    b. warmth 

    c. sunny 

    d. garden

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Read and listen to the story told in the simple past tense👇

The White Butterfly and the Rosemary Plant 

Once upon a time, in a sunny garden, there was a beautiful white butterfly. The butterfly had soft wings that sparkled in the sunlight. Every day, she flew from flower to flower, looking for sweet nectar.

One day, the butterfly saw a green plant with small blue flowers. It was a rosemary plant. The butterfly was curious. She flew down to the rosemary plant and landed gently on one of its leaves.

"Hello!" said the rosemary plant. "Welcome to my home!"

The butterfly was surprised. "You can talk!" she said.

"Yes," said the rosemary plant. "I can talk because I love to make friends. What is your name?"

"My name is Bella," said the butterfly. "I fly around the garden every day. What is your name?"

"I am Rosie," said the rosemary plant. "I grow in this garden. I smell good and help people in their cooking."

Bella smiled. "You are special, Rosie! I like your smell."

Rosie was happy. "Thank you, Bella! You have beautiful wings. You bring joy to the garden."

They talked and laughed together. Bella shared stories about her flying adventures. Rosie told Bella about the sun and the rain that helped her grow.

Days passed, and Bella visited Rosie every day. Bella danced in the air, and Rosie stood tall in the sun. They were good friends.

One day, it started to rain. Bella was worried. "Oh no! I cannot fly in the rain!" she said.

"Don’t worry, Bella!" Rosie said. "You can sit on my leaves until the rain stops."

Bella smiled and rested on Rosie’s leaves. They watched the raindrops fall together. After a while, the sun came out again, and the garden glistened with water.

"Thank you for being my friend, Rosie," said Bella. "You always help me."

"You help me too, Bella," said Rosie. "Friends help each other."

From that day on, Bella and Rosie stayed friends. The white butterfly and the rosemary plant brought happiness to the garden. Together, they enjoyed the beauty of nature and the warmth of friendship.

And so, Bella and Rosie lived happily in the sunny garden, reminding everyone that friendship is a wonderful thing. 

**The End**

Beyaz Kelebek ve Rosmarin Bitkisi

Bir zamanlar, güneşli bir bahçede güzel bir beyaz kelebek vardı. Kelebeğin, güneş ışığında parlayan yumuşak kanatları vardı. Her gün, tatlı nektar arayarak çiçekten çiçeğe uçarak dolaşıyordu.

Bir gün, kelebek küçük mavi çiçekleri olan yeşil bir bitki gördü. Bu bir rosmarin bitkisiydi. Kelebek meraklandı. Rosmarin bitkisine doğru uçtu ve yapraklarından birine nazikçe kondu.

"Merhaba!" dedi rosmarin bitkisi. "Evimde hoş geldin!"

Kelebek şaşırdı. "Sen konuşabiliyorsun!" dedi.

"Evet," dedi rosmarin bitkisi. "Arkadaş edinmeyi sevdiğim için konuşabiliyorum. Senin adın ne?"

"Benim adım Bella," dedi kelebek. "Her gün bahçede uçarım. Senin adın ne?"

"Ben Rosie'yim," dedi rosmarin bitkisi. "Bu bahçede büyüyorum. Güzel bir kokum var ve insanların yemek yapmalarına yardımcı oluyorum."

Bella gülümsedi. "Sen özel birisin, Rosie! Kokunu seviyorum."

Rosie mutlu oldu. "Teşekkür ederim, Bella! Senin de güzel kanatların var. Bahçeye neşe getiriyorsun."

Birlikte konuştular ve güldüler. Bella, uçuş maceraları hakkında hikayeler paylaştı. Rosie, Bella'ya büyümesine yardımcı olan güneş ve yağmur hakkında anlattı.

Günler geçti ve Bella her gün Rosie'yi ziyaret etti. Bella havada dans etti ve Rosie güneşte dik durdu. İyi arkadaş oldular.

Bir gün, yağmur yağmaya başladı. Bella endişeliydi. "Aman Tanrım! Yağmurda uçamam!" dedi.

"Endişelenme, Bella!" dedi Rosie. "Yağmur durana kadar yapraklarımın üzerinde oturabilirsin."

Bella gülümsedi ve Rosie’nin yapraklarında dinlendi. Birlikte yağmur damlalarının düşüşünü izlediler. Bir süre sonra güneş tekrar çıktı ve bahçe su ile parladı.

"Arkadaşım olduğun için teşekkür ederim, Rosie," dedi Bella. "Her zaman bana yardım ediyorsun."

"Sen de bana yardım ediyorsun, Bella," dedi Rosie. "Arkadaşlar birbirlerine yardım eder."

O günden sonra, Bella ve Rosie arkadaş kalmaya devam etti. Beyaz kelebek ve rosmarin bitkisi bahçeye mutluluk getirdi. Birlikte doğanın güzelliğini ve arkadaşlığın sıcaklığını yaşadılar.

Ve böylece, Bella ve Rosie güneşli bahçede mutlu bir şekilde yaşadı ve herkese arkadaşlığın harika bir şey olduğunu hatırlattı.



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