10th Grade Speaking



E10.1.S1. Students will be able to introduce themselves and others individually/ in pairs or small groups.

1. Self-Introduction:

   - Can you introduce yourself, including your name, age, and where you’re from?

   - What are some of your hobbies or interests?

   - What is your favorite subject in school and why?

2. Introducing Others:

   - Introduce your partner to the group. Include their name, where they are from, and one interesting fact about them.

   - Can you describe your partner’s hobbies or interests and how they spend their free time?

   - What are some things you and your partner have in common?


3. Role Play:

   - Pretend you are a character in a storybook and introduce yourself and your friends as those characters.


10. Sınıf İngilizce Dersi Konuşma Kazanımları

E10.1.S2. Students will be able to exchange personal information in both formal and informal situations.

Formal Situations:

1. You meet a new teacher at school. How do you introduce yourself and tell them what class you are in?

2. You are at a school assembly and meet a guest speaker. How do you say hello and introduce yourself?

3. Imagine you need to write a formal email to your teacher. What information about yourself would you include?

Informal Situations:

1. You’re at a friend’s birthday party and meet someone new. How would you introduce yourself and learn about them?

2. During a school trip, you sit next to a student from another school. What personal information would you share to start a conversation?

3. You're playing an online game with someone you've just met. How would you introduce yourself and find out more about them?



E10.2.S1. Students will be able to talk about their own plans for the future.

1. Short-Term Plans:

   - What are you going to do this weekend?

   - Do you have any goals for this school year? What are they?

   - Are you planning to join any clubs or activities soon?

2. Educational Plans:

   - What subjects are you looking forward to studying next year?

   - How do you think what you’re learning now will help you in the future?

   - Do you want to go to university? If yes, what do you want to study?


1. **What are you going to do this weekend?**

   - This weekend, I'm planning to relax and catch up on some reading. I also want to spend time with my friends, maybe go for a hike if the weather is nice. I'm looking forward to trying out a new recipe on Sunday too!

2. **Do you have any goals for this school year? What are they?**

   - Yes, I have a few goals for this school year. I want to receive a certificate of merit, get involved in more extracurricular activities, and improve my English speaking skills. I’m also planning to read at least one book a month to broaden my knowledge and perspective.

3. **Are you planning to join any clubs or activities soon?**

   - Absolutely! I'm planning to join the debate club and the environmental club. I think both will not only help me meet new people but also develop important skills, such as critical thinking and teamwork.

4. **What subjects are you looking forward to studying next year?**

   - I'm really looking forward to studying chemistry and history next year. I've always been fascinated by how things work on a molecular level in chemistry, and I think history is crucial for understanding the world today.

5. **How do you think what you’re learning now will help you in the future?**

   - I believe that the skills and knowledge I’m gaining now, especially in subjects like math and science, will be incredibly beneficial for my future career. Critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills are essential in almost any field, and I feel like I'm building a strong foundation right now.

6. **Do you want to go to university? If yes, what do you want to study?**

   - Yes, I do want to go to university. I’m particularly interested in studying environmental science, as I want to focus on sustainability and conservation. I believe we have a responsibility to protect our planet, and I want to be part of that solution.

3. Career Plans:

   - What job would you like to have in the future?

   - Where do you see yourself working after you finish school?

   - Is there a dream job you are interested in? Why do you like it?

4. Personal Life Plans:

   - Is there a place you'd like to visit in the next few years? Why do you want to go there?

   - What is a personal goal you want to achieve by the time you finish high school?

   - Are you planning to try a new hobby or activity soon?


1. **What job would you like to have in the future?**

   - In the future, I would love to work as a marine biologist. I’ve always been fascinated by ocean life, and I think it would be incredible to contribute to the study and conservation of marine ecosystems.

2. **Where do you see yourself working after you finish school?**

   - After I finish school, I see myself working in a research laboratory or at a conservation organization focused on environmental issues. I want to be in a place where I can apply what I've learned and make a positive impact on the world.

3. **Is there a dream job you are interested in? Why do you like it?**

   - Yes, my dream job is to be a travel journalist. I love the idea of exploring new cultures and places while sharing stories that inspire others. Writing about travel allows for creativity and adventure, which really excites me.

4. **Is there a place you'd like to visit in the next few years? Why do you want to go there?**

   - I would love to visit Japan within the next few years. I’m really fascinated by its unique blend of traditional and modern culture, the stunning landscapes, and of course, the delicious food! I want to experience the cherry blossoms and the vibrant city life in Tokyo.

5. **What is a personal goal you want to achieve by the time you finish high school?**

   - By the time I finish high school, I want to be fluent in another language, specifically Spanish. I believe it will not only enhance my communication skills but also open up more opportunities in the future, both personally and professionally.

6. **Are you planning to try a new hobby or activity soon?**

   - Yes, I’m planning to try rock climbing in the next few weeks! I’ve always enjoyed outdoor activities, and I think rock climbing will be a fun way to challenge myself physically while also building strength and endurance.

E10.2.S2. Students will be able to express their ideas in unplanned situations.

1. Lost in a New City:

   - You find yourself lost in a new city without a map. How would you ask someone for directions?

2. Sudden Weather Change:

   - You planned a picnic, but it suddenly starts raining. What would you say to your friends to change the plans?

3. Invitation to an Event:

   - You receive an unexpected invitation to an event you know nothing about. What questions would you ask to learn more about it?

4. Meeting a New Friend:

   - You meet someone new who shares your interests. How would you start a conversation with them?


1. **Imagine your friend asks for help with homework. What do you say to help them?**  

   *"I would say, 'Sure! I can help you. What do you need help with? Let's look at it together.'”*

2. **What would you do if someone invites you to a party the day before?**  

   *"I would think for a moment and say, 'That sounds fun! I will come! What time do you want me there?’”*

3. **How would you feel if your plans change suddenly? Can you give an example?**  

   *"I might feel a little surprised. For example, if my friend wanted to go to the cinema instead of the park, I would say, 'Okay! The cinema is great too!'”*

4. **If you see a stranger who looks lost, what would you do to help them?**  

   *"I would walk over and say, 'Hi! Do you need help? Where are you trying to go?'”*

5. **What will you say if you want to change your mind about what to eat at a restaurant?**  

   *"I would tell the waiter, 'Excuse me, I changed my mind. I would like to have the pasta instead of the salad, please.'”*

6. **If someone asks you to join them for a game right now, how would you respond?**  

   *"I would say, 'Yes, I would love to join! What game are we playing?'”*

7. **How would you react if your friend surprises you with a gift?**  

   *"I would be very happy! I would say, 'Wow! Thank you so much! This is really nice of you.'”*

8. **If you have a free hour suddenly, what do you think you would want to do?**  

   *"I would probably read a book or watch a quick episode of my favorite show. Or maybe go for a walk if the weather is nice!”*

9. **What would you do if someone asks you an unexpected question in class?**  

   *"I might be a little surprised, but I would try to think for a moment and say my best answer. I'd say, 'That's a good question! I think...'”*

10. **If you find out that a movie you wanted to see is sold out, what would you say?**  

   *"I would say, 'Oh no! That's too bad. Maybe we can see another movie, or we can watch something at home instead?'”*



How old are you, and when is your birthday?

Can you tell me a little about your family? Do you have any brothers or sisters?

What do your parents do? Can you describe them?

What is your favorite subject in school, and why do you like it?

How do you get to your school, and what do you enjoy most about it?

What is the name of your city or town? How long have you lived there?

Can you describe your hometown? What is it known for?

What are your hobbies? How often do you do them?

Can you tell me about something you really like doing in your free time?

What are some of your interests, and how did you become interested in them?


What are your plans for the weekend?

Are you going to travel anywhere next year? Where will you go?

Do you have any plans for your next holiday? What do you want to do?

What job do you want to have in the future? Why?

Are you going to learn something new this year? What is it?

What will you do after finishing school?

Do you have any special plans for your birthday this year?

Where do you see yourself living in five years?

Will you watch any movies or shows this month? What are they?

Are you going to join any clubs or activities in the future? Which ones?


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