English tense review


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Present Tenses

1. **Simple Present**

   - **Definition:** Describes actions that are habitual or generally true.

   - **Structure:** Subject + Base Verb (add 's' or 'es' for third person singular)

   - **Example:** She *writes* letters every day.

2. **Present Continuous (Progressive)**

   - **Definition:** Describes actions happening at the moment of speaking or current temporary actions.

   - **Structure:** Subject + am/is/are + Verb-ing

   - **Example:** They *are studying* for their exams right now.

3. **Present Perfect**

   - **Definition:** Describes actions that happened at an unspecified time before now or actions that started in the past and continue to the present.

   - **Structure:** Subject + has/have + Past Participle

   - **Example:** She *has visited* Paris twice.

4. **Present Perfect Continuous**

   - **Definition:** Describes actions that started in the past and have continued up until now.

   - **Structure:** Subject + has/have been + Verb-ing

   - **Example:** I *have been reading* for two hours.

Past Tenses

1. **Simple Past**

   - **Definition:** Describes actions that were completed at a specific time in the past.

   - **Structure:** Subject + Past Verb

   - **Example:** They *traveled* to Spain last summer.

2. **Past Continuous (Progressive)**

   - **Definition:** Describes actions that were ongoing at a specific time in the past.

   - **Structure:** Subject + was/were + Verb-ing

   - **Example:** He *was cooking* when I called.

3. **Past Perfect**

   - **Definition:** Describes actions that were completed before another action in the past.

   - **Structure:** Subject + had + Past Participle

   - **Example:** She *had finished* her homework before dinner.

4. **Past Perfect Continuous**

   - **Definition:** Describes actions that were ongoing in the past up until another past action.

   - **Structure:** Subject + had been + Verb-ing

   - **Example:** They *had been playing* for an hour when it started to rain.

Future Tenses

1. **Simple Future**

   - **Definition:** Describes actions that will happen at a later time.

   - **Structure:** Subject + will + Base Verb

   - **Example:** She *will travel* to Japan next month.

2. **Future Continuous (Progressive)**

   - **Definition:** Describes actions that will be ongoing at a specific time in the future.

   - **Structure:** Subject + will be + Verb-ing

   - **Example:** He *will be working* late tonight.

3. **Future Perfect**

   - **Definition:** Describes actions that will be completed before a specific time in the future.

   - **Structure:** Subject + will have + Past Participle

   - **Example:** They *will have finished* the project by Friday.

4. **Future Perfect Continuous**

   - **Definition:** Describes actions that will be ongoing until a specific time in the future.

   - **Structure:** Subject + will have been + Verb-ing

   - **Example:** She *will have been studying* for three years by next June.

Practice Examples

1. **Simple Present:** 

   - **Q:** He ____ (eat) breakfast at 7 AM every day.

   - **A:** *eats*


2. **Past Continuous:**

   - **Q:** I ____ (watch) TV when the phone rang.

   - **A:** *was watching*

3. **Future Perfect:**

   - **Q:** By this time next year, I ____ (complete) my degree.

   - **A:** *will have completed*

4. **Present Perfect Continuous:**

   - **Q:** They ____ (work) on the project since last week.

   - **A:** *have been working*

Read this story and notice how different tenses are used in it

Last weekend, Michael had a very eventful time. On Saturday morning, he woke up early and decided to go for a run. He hadn’t run for weeks, so he felt a little rusty. While he was running, he met an old friend from high school. They hadn't seen each other in years, so they stopped to chat for a while. After their conversation, Michael continued his run and felt more energized.

In the afternoon, Michael went to the local library because he needed to work on his history project. He spent several hours there, and by the time he finished, he had gathered all the information he needed. He had been worried about meeting the deadline, but now he felt much more confident.

On Sunday, Michael relaxed at home. He read a book he had borrowed from the library and watched a movie with his family. It had been a while since they had all sat down together to watch a movie, so it was a special moment. Later, he helped his younger sister with her math homework. She was struggling with fractions, but Michael had always been good at math, so he was able to explain it to her.

As the weekend came to an end, Michael started thinking about the upcoming week. He will be attending a big game on Wednesday because his friend had given him a ticket. Michael is excited because it will be his first time watching a live game. He will have finished all his assignments by Tuesday night, so he can enjoy the game without any worries. Michael will likely spend the weekend studying for his exams, but he plans to take short breaks so he doesn't get too stressed. By the end of the week, he will have studied all the main topics, and he hopes he will do well on his tests.

Michael's weekends are always a mix of fun and productivity, and he loves making the most of his time. He knows that balancing work and leisure will help him stay focused throughout the school year.

English Tense Review

Tense Review Quiz

Section 1: Simple Present and Present Continuous

1. She (go) to the gym every morning.

2. They (meet) their friends at the cafe right now.

3. The earth (revolve) around the sun.

4. You (look) at the stars tonight?

Section 2: Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous

5. I (live) in this city since 2010.

6. They (finish) their homework already.

7. She (work) at this company for five years.

8. We (not start) the project yet.

Section 3: Simple Past and Past Continuous

9. He (read) a book when I arrived.

10. They (travel) to Italy last summer.

11. She (sleep) when the alarm went off.

12. I (see) that movie yesterday.

Section 4: Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous

13. By the time the meeting ended, we (make) a difficult decision.

14. They (study) for hours before the test started.

15. She (not finish) her homework when her friend called.

16. We (practice) for months before the competition.

Section 5: Simple Future and Future Continuous

17. I (call) you tomorrow.

18. They (have) dinner at 7 PM tomorrow.

19. She (attend) the meeting next week.

20. We (travel) to Greece this time next year.

Section 6: Future Perfect and Future Perfect Continuous

21. By next year, he (graduate) from college.

22. By the time you arrive, I (cook) dinner.

23. They (complete) the project by the deadline.

24. She (work) here for ten years by next month.


Section 1:

1. goes

2. are meeting

3. revolves

4. Are you looking

Section 2:

5. have lived

6. have finished

7. has been working

8. have not started

Section 3:

9. was reading

10. traveled

11. was sleeping

12. saw

Section 4:

13. had made

14. had been studying

15. had not finished

16. had been practicing

Section 5:

17. will call

18. will be having

19. will attend

20. will be traveling

Section 6:

21. will have graduated

22. will have cooked

23. will have completed

24. will have been working

Read some stories and try to recognize which tenses are used in them: 

The Seaside Enigma 

The Mystery of the Secret Cave 

Journey to Empowerment 


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