
Showing posts from June, 2024

Listening practice about jobs

Listen to and read the interview; then, answer the quiz questions below  ** Interviewer :** Welcome everyone to today's show! We have a fantastic lineup of guests who'll be sharing insights into their careers, highlighting what they love and what they find challenging. Let's get started! Our first guest is Sarah, a nurse. Sarah, could you tell us about the best parts of your job? ** Sarah :** Absolutely! Being a nurse is incredibly rewarding. The best part is definitely the opportunity to help people and make a real difference in their lives. Seeing a patient recover and knowing you've played a part in their journey to health is truly fulfilling. Also, every day brings new challenges and learning opportunities, which keeps the job interesting. ** Interviewer :** That sounds wonderful, Sarah. But there must be some tough aspects too? ** Sarah :** Yes, of course. The job can be very demanding and emotionally exhausting. Long hours, sometimes back-to-back shifts, can be ph

Economy for kids

Understanding the Economy Hi kids! Have you ever wondered why you need money to buy your favorite toys or how your parents can afford to take you on vacation? It’s all because of something called the economy. Don't worry if it sounds complicated – let's break it down together in a way that's easy to understand. What is the Economy? The economy is like a giant playground where people, businesses, and governments play together. Everyone exchanges things they have for things they need or want. This big playground includes making goods (which are things you can touch, like toys) and providing services (which are activities people do for others, like teaching or fixing cars). Let’s Talk About Money Imagine you have a lemonade stand. You sell your lemonade for money. That money you earn is part of the economy. You might spend it later to buy cookies from your best friend's bake sale. That’s money moving around in the economy! Three Important Parts of the Economy 1. ** Product

IELTS reading test

Reading Passage: The Development of the Online Education Industry Online education has grown exponentially over the past decade. Several factors have contributed to this rapid development, including advancements in technology, increased access to the internet, and a shift in societal attitudes toward digital learning.  Initially, online education was met with skepticism, with many questioning its effectiveness compared to traditional classroom settings. However, studies have shown that online learning can be just as effective, if not more, due to the ability to tailor educational experiences to individual students. Additionally, online education offers unparalleled flexibility, allowing learners to access course materials and complete assignments at their own pace. Moreover, the proliferation of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) has democratized education, making high-quality learning resources available to a global audience without the associated costs of traditional education. Pres

Football Story

Tom's Football Story Tom's Football Story Tom is a young boy. He loves football. Every morning, he wakes up early. He eats his breakfast quickly. Then, he runs to the park. In the park, he meets his friends. They all play football together. Tom is very fast. He plays as a forward. He scores many goals. His friends cheer for him. After school, Tom has practice. His coach teaches him new skills. Tom works hard. He listens carefully. His coach is proud of him. At home, Tom watches football on TV. He learns from the best players. His favorite player is Lionel Messi. Tom wants to be like him one day. Every night, before bed, Tom dreams of playing in a big stadium. He dreams of many fans cheering for him. Football makes Tom very happy. It is his favorite thing in the world. Football Quiz Football Quiz 1. What time does Tom wake up in the mornin

The Rocking Stars

The Rocking Stars Story and Quiz The Rocking Stars Once upon a time in a small town, there was a boy named Tom. Tom loved music more than anything else. He dreamed of forming a rock band with his best friends, Lily, Kevin, and Sarah. One day, he decided to make his dream come true. Tom talked to his friends, and they all agreed to join the band. Tom would play the guitar, Lily the keyboard, Kevin the drums, and Sarah would be the lead singer. They were all very excited and started practicing together in Tom's garage. At first, everything was fun. They practiced every weekend, laughing and enjoying each other's company. They even came up with a cool name for their band: "The Rocking Stars." But soon, things started to change. Tom wanted the band to be perfect. He began to take the music too seriously and acted like a boss. He told his friends what to do and how to play their instruments. If someone made a mistake, To

English tense review

ALL TENSES IN ENGLISH  İngilizce zamanlar Present Tenses 1. ** Simple Present **    - **Definition:** Describes actions that are habitual or generally true.    - **Structure:** Subject + Base Verb (add 's' or 'es' for third person singular)    - **Example:** She *writes* letters every day. 2. ** Present Continuous (Progressive)**    - **Definition:** Describes actions happening at the moment of speaking or current temporary actions.    - **Structure:** Subject + am/is/are + Verb-ing    - **Example:** They *are studying* for their exams right now. 3. ** Present Perfect **    - **Definition:** Describes actions that happened at an unspecified time before now or actions that started in the past and continue to the present.    - **Structure:** Subject + has/have + Past Participle    - **Example:** She *has visited* Paris twice. 4. ** Present Perfect Continuous **    - **Definition:** Describes actions that started in the past and have continued up until now.    - **Structu

White Buffalo

The Legend of White Buffalo Calf Woman The Legend of White Buffalo Calf Woman Once, during a time of great need, two Lakota scouts were out searching for game on the plains. They saw a beautiful woman dressed in white coming toward them. One of the men had impure thoughts and tried to approach her with disrespect. However, he was immediately engulfed in a cloud and reduced to bones. The other scout respectfully kneeled before her and she spoke to him. She told him to return to his people and prepare for her arrival. When she came to the Lakota camp, she carried a sacred bundle. She taught the people seven sacred ceremonies and gave them the Channunpa, the sacred pipe, explaining its profound spiritual significance. She also shared important teachings about their connection to the Earth and to all living creatures. When she left them, she rolled over four times, each time changing color and transforming into a white buffalo calf before disappearing. This legend is deeply revered among t

Reading test

Family Bicycle Touring Quiz Family Bicycle Touring Quiz Family bicycle touring is a wonderful way to create lasting memories while exploring new places together. Whether pedaling through scenic countryside or navigating bustling city streets, the shared experience of cycling as a family can strengthen bonds and promote teamwork. Parents and children alike can revel in the joys of discovery, stopping to admire breathtaking views, sampling local cuisine, and immersing themselves in different cultures along the way. From packing essentials to planning routes, each aspect of the journey can become a part of the adventure, fostering a sense of independence and togetherness. As the wheels spin and the landscape changes, family bicycle touring offers a unique blend of excitement, exercise, and quality time spent with loved ones. What is one major benefit of embarking on a family biking expedition? A) A fantastic approach to nurturing memories w

The Lost Kitten

The Lost Kitten The Lost Kitten One day, Sarah found a lost kitten outside her house. The kitten's fur was soft and gray with white paws. Sarah took the kitten inside and gave it some food and water. She made a cozy bed for the kitten to sleep in. The next day, Sarah put up some posters around the neighborhood to find the kitten's owner. A few days later, the kitten's owner saw the poster and came to get their lost pet. Sarah was happy to see the kitten go back home. Questions: Where did Sarah find the lost kitten? What did Sarah give the kitten when she found it? What did Sarah do the next day to find the kitten's owner? How did the kitten's owner find out about the lost pet? How did Sarah feel when the kitten's owner came to get it? Choose the correct word to complete the sentences: Sarah found a lost kitten outside her ______. (house/car)

Verbs and Nouns

Verbs and Nouns Verbs and Nouns Submit Quiz Site Map: click here to see all the stuff on my blog.

Summer guide

Making the Most Out of Your Summer Holiday: A Guide for Teenagers Summer holidays are the ultimate escape – a time to break free from the daily school grind and dive into three months of unadulterated freedom. But with great freedom comes great opportunity, and the summer holiday is the perfect time to explore new interests, build skills, and create memories that will last a lifetime. Here’s how you can make the most out of your summer holiday: 1. **Discover New Hobbies** Summer is the perfect opportunity to try something new. Whether it’s picking up a musical instrument, learning to skateboard, trying your hand at photography, or getting into gardening, there’s something out there for everyone. Hobbies not only keep you entertained but can also help you discover talents you never knew you had and ignite passions that could influence your future.  2. **Read for Enjoyment** During the school year, reading can sometimes feel like a chore, but summer offers a chance to read for fun. Creat

University entrance exam

THE UNIVERSITY ENTRANCE EXAM (YKS) The university entrance exam in Turkey, known as the "Yükseköğretim Kurumları Sınavı" (YKS), is a crucial and challenging test that determines the future of many students. Administered by the Student Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM), the YKS is a standardized exam taken by thousands of high school students each year. The YKS consists of two main parts: the "TYT" (Temel Yeterlilik Testi - Basic Proficiency Test) and the "AYT" (Alan Yeterlilik Testi - Area Proficiency Test). The TYT covers basic subjects such as Turkish language, social sciences, mathematics, and science. The AYT, on the other hand, assesses students' knowledge in specific areas depending on their chosen field of study, such as mathematics, literature, or social sciences. Scoring well on the YKS is crucial for students who wish to gain admission to prestigious universities in Turkey. The exam determines which universities and programs students are

Listening practice

Interactive Fill-in-the-Blanks Quiz Fill-in-the-Blanks Listening Quiz Listen to the poem and fill in the missing words: She was a flower, and bright, Blooming in the 's night, A white on my chest, In her presence, I no rest. A spring with waters clear, The more I drank, the drew near, Every touch, a gentle , Left me weak, brought me to my . Her wavy hair, a dark , In her eyes, a parade, Her soft voice, a gentle , Whispered she had come for . But the day came, I couldn't , I opened up, let out my , Like a child, I gave my , She broke my dreams, let them . "It's impossible," she said to , "You can't love me, let it ," Shattered hopes, left in the , Left me here with a heart. Check Answers She broke my dreams She broke my dreams She was a flower, rare and bright, Blooming in the season's night,