Mixed tense exercises

Interactive Mixed Tense Exercise

Mixed Tense Exercise

1. She a letter every day. (write)
2. They a movie right now. (watch)
3. He his homework. (finish)
4. I a book when you called. (read)
5. We for you for an hour. (wait)
6. She to the market tomorrow. (go)
7. They next month. (travel)
8. He before he left. (eat)
9. I the project by next week. (complete)
10. She a class right now. (teach)
11. They on the problem for hours. (work)
12. He a marathon next Sunday. (run)
13. I French this year. (learn)
14. We emails to our clients daily. (write)
15. She here since 2015. (work)
Mixed Tense Exercise

Mixed Tense Exercise

Fill in the blanks with the correct tense of the verbs provided in parentheses.

Dear [Friend's Name],

How (you, be) _______? I (have) _______ an amazing week lately. Last week, I (go) _______ to a concert, and it (be) _______ incredible! The band (play) _______ all of my favorite songs. I (take) _______ a lot of pictures and (make) _______ some new friends. My friend Lily (come) _______ with me, and we (have) _______ a blast.

Right now, I (sit) _______ in my room, (think) _______ about our next vacation. Next month, we (plan) _______ to visit the mountains. We (stay) _______ in a cabin there, and I (look) _______ forward to some hiking and relaxation.

By the way, (you, hear) _______ about the new restaurant in town? I (hear) _______ it's amazing. Maybe we (should, go) _______ there together sometime.

Write back soon and let me know how (you, be) _______ and what (you, do) _______ these days.

Best regards,

[Your Name]


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