Verbs and Nouns


Achieve - Achievement

Agree - Agreement

Attach - Attachment

Commit - Commitment 

Confine - Confinement

Develop - Development

Embellish - Embellishment

Employ - Employment

Encourage - Encouragement

Enforce - Enforcement

Entertain - Entertainment

Enrich - Enrichment

Enrol - Enrolment

Establish - Establishment

Excite - Excitement

Govern - Government

Improve - Improvement

Replenish - Replenishment

Retire - Retirement

Act - Action

Accelerate - Acceleration

Celebrate - Celebration

Compete - Competition

Communicate - Communication

Concentrate - Concentration

Converse - Conversation

Demonstrate - Demonstration

Determine - Determination

Educate - Education

Examine - Examination

Explore - Exploration

Evaluate - Evaluation

Generate - Generation

Illuminate - Illumination

Invent - Invention

Investigate - Investigation

Navigate - Navigation

Medicate - Medication

Motivate - Motivation

Participate - Participation

Prohibit - Prohibition

Relate - Relation

Decide - Decision 

Discuss - Discussion

Comprehend - Comprehension

Conclude - Conclusion

Confess - Confession

Divert - Diversion

Expand - Expansion

Express - Expression

Permit - Permission

Persuade - Persuasion

Revert - Reversion

Abstain - Abstinence

Attend - Attendance

Compete - Competence

Defend - Defence

Exist - Existence

Insist - Insistence

Perform - Performance

Persevere - Perseverance 

Prefer - preference 

Refer - Reference

Reside - Residence

Resist - Resistance 

Approve - Approval

Arrive - Arrival

Betray - Betrayal

Deny - Denial

Refuse - Refusal

Survive - Survival

Access - Access

Apologise - Apology 

Believe - Belief

Control - Control

Delay - Delay

Demand - demand

Fail - Failure

Respond - Response

Reply - Reply

Succeed - Success


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